Movimento / Bewegung
Sotto il nome “movimento”, almeno ragionando in relazione agli anni settanta, per movimento si intendeva quell’area giovanile, formata soprattutto da studenti delle scuole superiori, che – refrattaria all’inglobamento sotto sigle di partito o associazioni – tendeva a muoversi come soggetto libero intervenendo su tematiche di carattere politico e culturale.
Unter Bewegungen verstand man in Meran, zumindest während der 70er Jahre, vor allem die Zusammenschlüsse der Jugendlichen, die sich – manchmal eingebunden in Parteien und Vereinen – in das politische und kulturelle Leben der Stadt eingemischt hatten.

During the 70’s at Meran/o, movements meant most of all one thing: the congregation of youth, sometimes united within political parties and institutions, which tried to give their input for the political and cultural agenda of the city.
During the 70’s at Meran/o, movements meant most of all one thing: the congregation of youth, sometimes united within political parties and institutions, which tried to give their input for the political and cultural agenda of the city.
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